A bowl of thick, smooth Labneh, surrounded by full-fat yogurt and a pinch of salt, with muslin or cheesecloth indicating the traditional straining process, set against a simple, elegant background.

Labneh in Neom: A Creamy Culinary Delight”

Labneh in Neom

In the heart of Neom, a city that champions innovation and cultural fusion, Labneh finds its place as a versatile and beloved dairy staple. This creamy, concentrated yogurt, integral to Middle Eastern cuisine, embodies the fusion of traditional culinary practices with contemporary applications. In Neom’s diverse culinary landscape, Labneh is more than just a side dish; it’s a testament to the city’s embrace of global flavors and textures.


  • 900 g full-fat yogurt (sheep’s milk for tanginess, cow’s milk for creaminess; avoid set Greek yogurt)
  • ¾ tsp salt
  • Muslin or cheesecloth


  1. Combine Yogurt and Salt: In a medium bowl, mix the yogurt with salt thoroughly.
  2. Prepare for Draining: Line a colander with muslin or cheesecloth, ensuring it drapes over the sides. Place the colander over a bowl.
  3. Drain the Yogurt: Transfer the salted yogurt to the center of the cheesecloth. Fold the overhanging cheesecloth over the yogurt, completely covering it. Place a heavy weight (like cans or jars) on top and refrigerate. Allow the yogurt to drain for 12 to 48 hours.
  4. Finish the Labneh: After draining, discard the whey. The yogurt should have reduced to about half its volume, achieving a creamy, cream cheese-like consistency.
  5. Storage: Store the Labneh in an airtight jar or container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, topped with a thin layer of olive oil.

In Neom, Labneh transcends its traditional role. It’s served as part of mezze spreads, alongside lamb kebabs, or with roasted vegetables. It also finds innovative uses in brunch recipes or as a savory spread with cucumbers and za’atar. The versatility of Labneh in Neom mirrors the city’s ethos of blending the old with the new, creating culinary experiences that are both authentic and innovative. Whether savory or sweet, Labneh in Neom is a symbol of the city’s gastronomic diversity and its commitment to elevating traditional Middle Eastern fare to new heights.

Explore more information about Middle Eastern cooking here.

Also, for additional information about the culinary scene in NEOM visit NeomTaste.com or NeomPoint.com.

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